Welcome to our website! We’re glad that you found us, and we hope that you’ll consider visiting us in person soon. In the meantime, let us share with you just a little bit about ourselves.
Our Savior Lutheran Church, a member congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, is a congregation made up of broken and failed, yet redeemed sinners who gather weekly to receive the undeserved gifts of God’s love and mercy, as they are poured out upon us through Jesus Christ, His Word, and His Sacraments. Then, having been nourished and fed with the gifts of God, we seek to go outside the four walls of our church building and to love others as we ourselves have been loved by God.
You won’t find anything fancy here. We don’t worship according to the latest trends, but rather rejoice in the opportunity to experience the patterns of worship the Church has used for millennia. In doing so, our diverse congregation, made up of young and old, singles and married, families with children, and those without, join our voices with the Church of centuries past in confessing our sins, our faith, and in praising our God for His abundant gifts.
We’re not here to tell you to come be holy like us, but rather to invite you to come be a sinner like us. For here, in a small church, situated in a small community, Jesus is at work, gathering His people together to deliver to them what they cannot live with out: His forgiveness.
Yes, we’re a community of sinners, who though different in many ways, nevertheless have one thing in common: our shared need for forgiveness. And even if you don’t yet know that’s what you need too, it’s exactly what you’ll find here. Every week. For you.
We look forward to meeting you!