Sunday Morning Bible Study LESSON 1: Christ, the Word | John 1:1–18 LESSON 2: A Miraculous Birth—John | Luke 1:1–25, 36–45, 57–80 LESSON 3: A Miraculous Birth—Jesus | Matthew 1:18–2:12; Luke 2:1–20 LESSON 4: John the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus | Luke 3:1–20; Matthew 3:13–17 LESSON 5: Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness | Luke 4:1–13 LESSON 6: Jesus and Nicodemus | John 3:1–21 LESSON 7: The Samaritan Woman at the Well | John 4:1–30 LESSON 8: Jesus Returns Home; Three Examples of FaithJohn 4:43–54; Luke 4:14–30; 5:1–11 LESSON 9: Teaching in Galilee | Matthew 4:23–5:48 (part 1) LESSON 9: Teaching in Galilee | Matthew 4:23–5:48 (part 2) LESSON 10: Jesus’ Healing Ministry | Mark 1:40–45; Luke 7:1–9, 11–17; Matthew 8:11–13 LESSON 11: The Calling of Matthew | Mark 2:13–17 Various Questions LESSON 12: Parables concerning the Kingdom of Heaven Matthew 13:1–50; Mark 4:21–29 LESSON 13: The Feeding of the Five Thousand and Jesus Walks on WaterLuke 9:10; Mark 6:31–36; John 6:5–15; Matthew 14:22–33 LESSON 14: Jesus, the Bread of Life | John 6:22–71 LESSON 15: Jesus, the Good Shepherd | Numbers 27:16–17; John 10:1–21 LESSON 16: The Lord’s Prayer | Matthew 6:7–15; L-uke 11:1–13; 18:1–17 LESSON 17: Jesus, Tell Us Plainly, Are You the Christ?! | John 10:22–42 LESSON 18: Miracle in Bethany | John 11 LESSON 19: The Triumphal Entry | Matthew 21:1–17; Luke 19:37–44 LESSON 20: The Lord’s Supper | Luke 22:1–30 LESSON 21: Final Instructions | John 14; 15:1–17, 26–27; 16:4–15 LESSON 22: Redeemed! The Crucifixion | Selected Passages LESSON 23: The Resurrection | Matthew 27:62–28:15; John 20:1–18 LESSON 24: Commissioning and Ascension | Luke 24:13–53